
PPC ads

Čo je účelom PPC reklamy?

Správne nastavená a pravidelne optimalizovaná PPC reklama vo vyhľadávaní dokáže zázraky.
PPC advertising is currently the most used form of advertising on the Internet. The primary purpose of this form of advertising is to increase sales, attract potential customers and improve brand awareness. PPC stands for pay-per-click, so you pay only when your prospect clicks on your ad. With today's competition, it's no longer enough to run simple advertising campaigns and expect positive results. It is necessary to identify all inputs from the customer, analyze them and constantly optimize advertising campaigns based on outputs. This is the only way our team of certified online marketing specialists can work effectively with your budget.

PPC reklama - výsledná cena?

Výsledná cena za nastavenie, správu a pravidelnú optimalizáciu PPC kampaní  závisí od toho či ide o jednoduchý web alebo e-shop, či už máte založený účet s bežiacimi reklamami, ktoré treba optimalizovať alebo treba založiť úplne nový účet Google Ads, prípadne Meta Ads Manager. Radi s vami všetko preberieme na stretnutí, po ktorom pre vás vypracujeme ponuku na mieru presne podľa vašich potrieb. Stačí, keď nám zanecháte svoj dopyt, napríklad aj prostredníctvom našich sociálnych sietí FB a IG.

What will you get from us?

If you want to become our client and achieve the desired goals together, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy for free to prepare a proposal or audit existing advertising campaigns.


Paid PPC advertising

We are an agency that strives to guarantee a return on your investment through PPC conversion campaigns. Our portfolio of successful campaigns is proof that it is not impossible to effectively improve the conversion rate of clients even in this highly competitive time. If you want to kick your business right away, don't hesitate to contact us. We have effective tools and techniques at our disposal to help you with that.


Google Campaign Management

Our team of PPC specialists has extensive experience with various types of strategies in creating PPC campaigns that have a demonstrable impact on the marketability of products and services. At work, we combine advanced methodologies, industry expertise and best practices to ensure that each strategy is in line with your business goals. We can accurately reach your target audience on Google and increase your conversion rate.


A/B testing

When creating PPC campaigns, we make sure to set up at least two strategies, visuals, that help us test and monitor the effectiveness of different types of ads. With A / B testing, we can determine what adjustments are needed to fine-tune and optimize each ad group to maximize conversions.


Keyword analysis

You need the right keywords to attract the right audience. Our agency's experts will prepare a quality keyword analysis for you and determine the best keywords for your business. They will then use them in creating content for your website, its SEO optimization, or in PPC campaigns. This activity allows us to optimize our advertising spend and effectively maximize our conversion rate.


Konverzná landing page

While a PPC ad attracts the right audience to your site, a "landing page" makes a deal with them. Whenever we create it, we do an in-depth survey to find out what will get your site visitors to action, convert. We don't use any templates to create them, and each such page is customized to bring you only valuable conversions.


Conversion rate optimization

We are constantly looking for ways to increase your investment. Therefore, our services include A / B testing at many different levels. We conduct in-depth site audits and customer behavior surveys to take your PPC campaign strategy to the next level.

Why to choose us?


Detailed and regular reporting

We do not hide anything from us. Every client receives regular reporting that is easy to read and understand. Thanks to it, it will get a quick overview of the effectiveness of all ongoing PPC campaigns.


Data-oriented design

Design landing page na vašom webe vypracujeme na základe dát a nie subjektívnych kritérií. Pravidelne monitorujeme, či zvolené parametre a obsah stránky prinášajú návštevnosť, konverziu alebo či je potrebné zvoliť inú stratégiu, obsah alebo štruktúru.


Client in the first place

Zákazník a jeho biznis je pre nás centrom diania. Snažíme sa pochopiť jeho predstavy nielen ohľadom kampane, ale i jeho biznisu, aby sme prostredníctvom PPC reklamy vedeli cieliť na správne publikum, a tým efektívnejšie využiť prostriedky vynaložené na reklamu. Keď PPC reklama – tak od nás.