Obrázok žiarovky na domovskej stránke

Webdesign & mobile apps development, graphic design and other

marketing agency

We deliver professional tailored solutions for our clients. We always seek for solutions instead of excuses. Together we will help your company grow and achieve the set goals.

About us


Until 2018, we operated as freelancers and web design also online marketing sme brali iba ako hobby. Počas tejto doby sme úspešne zrealizovali vyše 80 projektov. Po nazbieraní ďalších skúseností z oblasti programovania, marketingu, SEO optimalizácie a grafického dizajnu sme sa rozhodli dať dokopy tím profesionálov, ktorí spoločne pôsobia v marketingovej agentúre Digital DNA. Prinášame nielen kreatívne, ale aj efektívne a účinné riešenia. Vieme vytvoriť a optimalizovať online reklamné kampane, zlepšiť pozíciu Vašej stránky na Google pomocou SEO optimalizácie, ako aj nastaviť úspešnú komunikačnú stratégiu pre vaše sociálne siete.

Volvo referencia logo
Trnava RumFest referencia logo
Mesto Trnava Logo
Sessler referencia logo
Hedon referencia logo
Logo spolocnosti Orea Quality s.r.o.

Work examples


websites • e-commerce • web applications • SEO • online marketing • social network management • mobile applications

Our services

We help you

We can ensure a complex marketing strategy for your product or service.

Websites development

We create websites according to the specific needs and possibilities for our clients. We place great emphasis on their functional architecture, speed and responsive design.

Mobile app development

We can create any mobile application tailored to the requirements of a specific project. We have more than 10 years of experience with programming iOS and Android mobile applications.

PPC ads

Leading positions in search can be achieved either organically or in the form of PPC advertising. Our team of PPC specialists optimizes their campaigns on a daily basis in order to achieve the set goals.

Graphic design

Our graphic designers will materialize your ideas. We will be happy to prepare the design of advertising visuals for you, through the design of business cards, letterheads to the design of wedding invitations and photo editing.

Corporate identity

The basis of every successful brand is high quality design. According to your vision, we will create a suitable logo, define color, primary and secondary fonts or create a comprehensive design manual for your brand.

And many other

We can also help you with SEO optimization, creating quality photos or videos, creating and editing blog articles or managing social networks such as Facebook or Instagram.